Sunday, July 1, 2018

Where have you tried to Meditate?

Can you meditate travelling on a bus or going for a walk?

In my first blog we explored the idea of meditating as we go about our day. Also, if we were a bit nervous or self-conscious about meditating; we looked at meditating without anyone knowing - "The Secret Meditator".

Before we go any further with the idea of meditating anytime, anyplace and anywhere it would be useful to have an understanding of what meditation is? 

What is Meditation?

There are many, many techniques we can follow to meditate for example observing the breath, reminding ourselves to Be Still or visualising light flowing through the body. The list goes on and on. What we discover, no matter which technique we follow, is that meditation naturally happens. As we focus on the technique we are not trying to control or manage the moment in anyway. We are in a non-resisting stance. We are simply putting our attention on the technique and discovering what happens when we do this. The more we do this, we find that there is a peace and calmness already here.

In fact, we have all experienced meditation before, such as when we've being reading our favourite book and we get totally engrossed in the words and then we suddenly look at the clock and an hour has flown by! We may have had the same experience when watching a really good movie.

All we are doing when we sit to meditate or when we follow a moving meditation is to really recognise what meditation is. More importantly, we can feel the benefits of meditation relatively quickly. This is good to know as most people would like to feel better about themselves in some way. 

The real sign that you are benefiting from meditation is not what we experience in a particular meditation, it is how you feel as you go about our lives. Are we feeling generally more peaceful and relaxed? Are we handling certain every day situations without feeling so stressed and anxious?   

Discover this for yourself

The important thing here is to discover this for yourself. Otherwise these are simply words on a blog. Really see if the above words about meditation resonate with you!

Have a go and see what happens. Go on a journey of discovery. If you are a bit nervous and self-conscious you don't have tell anyone. Be a Secret Meditator!

Drop or let go of any ideas and beliefs that we may have around meditation. See if we can be open and willing to see what happens when we try to meditate as we go for a walk or when we are travelling on a bus. I've added two free fifteen minute guided meditations to the website for anyone to listen to for these two situations. Just load the free meditation to your mobile device and listen. It'll look as if you are listening to music so no one needs to know.

The technique we use on these two meditations is to notice or follow the breath. Simple but very effective.

If you wish to try to sit to meditate there is a free sample "Follow the breathing" meditation as well.

If you found this blog interesting, see our peaceful experience website for what else we have to offer.

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